Updating the Code

Take part in our public consultation to refresh and reshape the Charity Governance Code

As a steering group, we want to continually improve the Code. Understanding of what is good governance evolves, as do the expectations of the sector’s various stakeholders. Since 2017 our commitment has been to review the code at approximately three-year intervals, to make sure that it remains current. As such we are launching a consultation on how the code can be enhanced.

We believe we need to strike a balance between continually updating the Code and potential disruption to those using the Code, especially as it can take some time to work through all the recommendations. As such at the last revision point in 2020, we undertook a focused review of the Code.

In 2024 the Steering Group want to take a wider look at the Code, exploring its content, structure, applicability to different sizes of charity, the use of language and user-friendliness of the framework. We are also interested in exploring the barriers or obstacles to using the Code. As such we invite responses to the consultation from both users and non-users. We are interested to hear from those with awareness of the Code and those who have limited familiarity.

The steering group are grateful to our funder Clothworkers and support from Withers LLP and Wrigleys LLP for making this consultation possible.

How to respond to the consultation

To respond to the consultation, please complete our online survey.

We estimate it will take no more than 30 minutes. There is no option to save responses and return to the survey. When you start, you’ll need to complete it in one sitting.

You can download the survey questions to prepare your answers.

The consultation process will run from 21 May 2024 until 11 August 2024.

Timeline following consultation

Once the consultation closes the steering group will take time to analyse and consider the responses received. Our intention is to share a consultation response in a paper in the autumn with a view to enhancing and producing an updated version of the Code in early 2025.  

Using the Code during the consultation period

Whilst the consultation is ongoing our recommendation to users of the Code is to continue utilising the tool as normal. We advise against delaying a governance review exercise pending the publication of an updated Code. Postponing important governance work risks missing opportunities for improvement and potentially allows issues to remain unaddressed. The steering group feels strongly that the current version of the code remains a reflection of good practice and we will commit to highlighting where there are significant changes in any updated version.